
What is a HOA Lien?

These days, when you buy a house, condo, or townhome that is part of a planned, covenanted community, you will most likely pay monthly fees and assessments to a homeowners’ association. If you become delinquent in paying those fees and assessments, the homeowners’ association will be able to get a lien on your home that…

What is a Medical Lien?

A medical lien, in a personal injury lawsuit, is used to recover medical bill expenses. Whoever paid for the medical costs can file a medical lien against any monies awarded from your lawsuit. Types of Medical Liens The 3 different types of medical liens include: Medical Provider Liens Hospitals can file for a lien to…

What is a Judgment Lien?

A judgment lien gives a creditor the right to take possession of a debtor’s personal or real property if the debtor does not fulfill their contractual obligations. It is created when a person wins a lawsuit against you and records the judgment against your property. Dar Liens Offers Lien Processing and Filing in Arizona Dar…

What is a Mechanic Lean?

A Mechanic lien will enable a contractor to collect owed money earned performing construction work by encumbering (burden with debts or legal claims) the property that was worked on until the debt is paid if full. Dar Liens Offers Lien Processing and Filing in Arizona Dar Liens Offers Processing and Filing of the following types…